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Acoustic and image signal processing

Acoustic signal processing techniques (voice and audio). Digital image processing techniques. Application of information theory and statistical pattern recognition to digital communications problems (modulation, demodulation and coding)

Theory program:
1.- Acoustic signal processing
1.1. Introduction and physical concepts associated with sound
1.2. Sensors and measurement parameters
1.3. Beamforming
1.4. Propagation and transmission losses

2.- Digital image processing
2.1. Fundamentals of Digital Image and Digital Image Processing
2.2. Image processing in the space domain
23. Image processing in the frequency domain
2.4. Image degradation and restoration models
2.5. Image segmentation
2.6. Mathematical morphology in image processing

Lab program:
Practice 1.- Fundamentals of acoustic signals. 
Practice 2.- Introduction to Beamforming of acoustic signals. 
Practice 3, 4 and 5.- Beamforming of acoustic signals.
Practice 6.- Fundamentals of Digital Image and Digital Image Processing. 
Practice 7.- Image processing in the domain of space. 
Practice 8.- Image processing in the frequency domain. 
Practice 9.- Image segmentation based on discontinuities. 
Practice 10.- Image segmentation based on regions. 
Practice 11.- Mathematical morphology in image processing.

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)