The goal of the module is to treat electromagnetic (EM) theory concepts in depth, which were used in a variety of applications in different communications engineering fields like microwave engineer-ing, optical communications, electromagnetic compatibility, mobile and satellite communications, radar technology, antenna engineering etc. Students will be enabled to apply these concepts both theoretically and practically, e.g. by using simulation software systems (CST Microwave Studio, Sonnet, EZNEC, etc.) and measurement verification.
The course consists of:
1) A lecture part covering topics like Maxwell’s equations, fields in different media, the wave equation and basic plane wave solution, plane wave reflection from a media interface, polarization, basic an-tenna concepts, transmission lines and waveguides, simulation methods, e.g. method of moments, etc.;
2) A laboratory part where different state-of-the-art CAD (computer aided design) tools are applied to design and analysis of exemplary applications of the concepts covered in the lecture, e.g.
Design and analysis of single element linear antennas and multiple element antennas with feeding networks or radiation coupled elements (e.g. Yagi antenna) by the use of e.g. EZNEC.
Analysis of transmission lines and waveguides (RF and optical) with e.g. CST.
Design and analysis of microwave components: e.g. design & analysis of couplers based on microstrip transmission lines by the aid of e.g. Sonnet.
Radiation by aperture antennas e.g. by CST.
Measurements and comparison with the numerical simulation results.
Thus this course provides fundamental concepts for other courses in communications master pro-gram, e.g. for modules “Optical Communications”, “Microwave Components and Systems”, “Mobile Communications” and “Wireless Systems”.
Simulations of the fields, waves and antennas by using numerical simulation programs;
Measurement of certain chosen antennas and comparison of the measurement results with the numeri-cal results.