EUt+ Mobility
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Electronics and telecommunications measurements

 The course provides knowledge and skills about electrical signal measurement methods and principles in the field of electronic communication. The course covers the following measurements: measurement of signal voltage and signal levels; frequency and time interval measurement, measurement and analysis of signal frequency spectrum, attenuation measurement, as well as service quality measurement. Students will obtain knowledge of measuring tools and measuring systems, as well as learn about measurement and valuation methods of the quality of electronic communication services. 

Course contents:
  • Institutions, standards and recommendations for electronic communications measurements
  • Basic principles and evaluation methods of processing measurement results
  • Measurement of signal voltage and levels in a linear scale
  • Types of electronic oscilloscopes, their operating principles and application for signal parameter measurements
  • Measurement of frequencies and time intervals 
  • Signal spectrum analysis and principles of signal parameter measurement 
  • Signal level measurements and evaluation on a logarithmic scale 
  • Principles and methods of measuring the attenuation of electrical signals 
  • Principles of measuring the quality of Voice Communication Service in electronic communication networks 
  • Principles of measuring the quality of Internet Access Service in electronic communications networks

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Faculty of Computer Science, Information Technology and Energy (RTU)