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Telecommunications theory

A communication system is the chain of elements allowing to transmit a message from the source to the recipient. The study course focuses on the most crucial elements, processing methods, and rules that influence the performance of communication systems. Telecommunications Theory provides a fundamental knowledge base for telecommunications engineers to understand communication systems, the principal elements, and the advantages or disadvantages..
By taking the course, students will have a fundamental understanding of the following things: general information of a communication system; mathematical models of signals, noises, and messages; continuous and discrete signal models; random processes; digital filtration; theoretical evaluation of modulation, transmission, and detection.

Course contents:
  • Introduction. Telecommunications theory course motivation, goal and contents. Main definitions. 
  • Structure of communication systems, parameters, history. 
  • Random processes and their characteristics.  
  • Spectrum of random process. 
  • Complex form of a signal.  
  • Nyquist sampling theory and mathematical representation of signals.
  • Modulation of harmonic signals. 
  • Modulation of impulse and noisy signals. 
  • Deterministic communication channels. 
  • Stochastic communication channels.  
  • Information theory. 
  • Noise free channel capacity. 
  • Noisy channel capacity. 
  • Line codes and their classification. 
  • Main error correction codes and their classification. 
  • Shannon theory and non-stationary channels. 
  • Received signal processing methods. 
  • Signal filtration theory. 
  • Fundamentals of noise-resistant theory. 
  • Optimal receivers. 
  • Optimal reception of continuous signals. 
  • Laboratory and practical tasks.

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Faculty of Computer Science, Information Technology and Energy (RTU)