EUt+ Mobility
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Home automation and IoT

UD1. Introduction and fundamentals of home automation systems
Topic 1. Introduction to home automation.
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Home automation concept
1.3. The digital home
1.4. Real Estate Concept
1.5. Green buildings
1.6. Safe buildings
1.7. Home automation situation
Topic 2. Technology and components of a home automation system.
2.1. Sensors
2.2. Control elements
23. Residential walkway
2.4. Transmitters
UD2. Home automation systems
Topic 3. Fundamentals of the KNX system. Applications with KNX
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Technology
3.3. Topology
3.4. Addressing
3.5. Transmission format
3.6. Components
3.7. Facility
Topic 4. The home automation project
4.1. What is it and what is it for
4.2. Application needs. Competencies
4.3. The home automation project. Fundamentals and considerations
4.4. Integration with ICT and PBT
4.5. Regulations in force
4.6. Certifications

ECTS credits

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Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)