EUt+ Mobility
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Digital contents laboratory

1. Introduction
1.1. Introduction. Multimedia Protocols
1.2. Streaming Flow in Network Architecture
1.3. Quality of service

2. Signage
2.1. H.323 Signaling (I)
2.2. H.323 Signaling (II)
23. SIP signaling

3. Audio and video formats
3.1. Audio formats
3.2. Video formats
3.3. Container formats and application quality

4. Remote applications for streaming services
4.1. Introduction to the C# programming language (I)
4.2. Introduction to the C# programming language (II)
4.3. Multimedia Distribution Systems in .NET Remoting and ASP.NET
4.4. Introduction to Digital Content in Windows Azzure and XAML

5. Distribution of streaming services
5.1. Streaming Content Distribution Systems (IPTV and P2PTV)
5.2. Features of Streaming Content Distribution Systems

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)