EUt+ Mobility
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Telematic instrumentation and network lab

Block I.- Ethernet Technologies
1.1. Introduction and review of previous networking concepts.
1.2. Ethernet standards for wired (IEEE802.3) and wireless (IEEE802.11) networks.
1.3. Structured cabling in a business LAN.

Block II.- Switching and VLANs
2.1. Switch functions.
2.2. Port-based static VLANs.
23. IEEE 802.1Q VLANs and trunking links.
2.4. 802.1Q VLAN design integrated with 802.11 Wifi networks.

Block III.- Network architectures and design methodology.
3.1. Analysis and diagnosis of a company network.
3.2. Reference models of network architectures.
3.3. Methodology for the design and implementation of a company network.

Block IV.- Advanced networking services and protocols.
4.1. Analysis and monitoring of traffic and services in a business network. Quality measures
of service and performance.
4.2. Address translation techniques: NAT and PNAT.
4.3. Spanning tree protocol (STP).
4.4. Introduction to traffic filtering using access control lists (ACL).
4.5. Analysis and study of advanced network protocols.

ECTS credits

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Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)