In this module the learner is progressed from an introduction to statistical methods, to a comprehensive overview of statistical methods and techniques used in engineering research. This learning is complemented by an introduction via practical classes to several statistical software programs. Students are provided with the skills both to plan and carry out research and the ability to both read and dissect other research in engineering.
Statistics, Probability, Mutually Exclusive and Independent Events
Conditional Events, Conditional Probability, Expectation, Moments
Discrete and Continuous Distributions
Estimation of Parameters, Tests of Significance (z, t, c
2 , F)
Analysis of Variance, Experimental Design
Quality Control
Introduction to Statistics Packages (R, Minitab and SPSS)
Data Analysis, Survey Methods
Regression and Correlation
Critical Analysis of Engineering Research Papers
Group Project on Data Analysis with Short Presentation
Introduction to Multi-Variate Methods
Non-Parametric Statistics