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Energy and Buildings (Building Engineering, L7)
BDSV 1401

This module introduces the student to the role of the building services engineer, the range of modern building engineering system, how energy is used in buildings and the effects of energy use in buildings on the environment. This module covers the basic knowledge necessary to calculate heat losses from buildings and the design of low temperature hot water heating systems.

Introduction to building services;
• The need for and scope of building services in modern buildings
• The roles of the building services engineer in design, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance of building services engineering systems

Energy and Buildings;
• Energy use in modern buildings, typical levels of energy consumption
• Measuring and calculating energy use.
• Energy use and its effects on the environment, greenhouse effect and climate change
• Fuels, electricity and renewable energy use in buildings
• Combustion of fossil fuels, production of greenhouse gasses
• Fossil fuels and the environment

Low Temperature Hot Water Heating Systems Fundamentals;
• Principles of operation
• System components and their function
• Design criteria, units and quantities used in design 
• Static and dynamic pressure
Low Temperature Hot Water Heating Systems Design;
• Establishing suitable design criteria
• The Building Regulations and U values
• Heat loss calculations including fabric and infiltration heat loss
• Heat emitter characteristics and selection
• Underfloor heating principles and applications
• Pipe sizing and introduction to the principles behind pump sizing.
• System pressurisation using F & E tank and pressurisation unit. 
• Introduction to commercial heating system controls

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)