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CAD & IT 1
COMP 1103

This is a fundamental Module in Information Technology and its application as a primary communication tool in modern industry. It introduces the learner to the principle programmes that are used in modern information technology, in order that they can, compile, store and analyse data, produce reports and communicate information and results with interested groups and persons.

File Management:
Folders and files: Exploring and creating folders, saving files into folders, copying and moving files between folders. Copying and saving files to discs and memory sticks, locating files. Saving files and folders onto the desktop. File Compression, unzipping compressed files, file types (PDF’s, DXF’s, GIF’s etc.)

Word Processing: Keyboard control commands and cursor control, toolbars and menus, basic formatting of text. Copy/cut and paste, spelling and grammar checks, inserting diagrams/pictures/drawings from files, headers and footers, titles, borders, bullets and numbering, paragraph formatting-indentation, inserting and formatting tables, mail merge

Presentation Slides: Opening a blank presentation, slide template styles, bullets and indentations, inserting pictures from files, organizational charts, data and graphs, background designs, slide show sorter.

Database: Layout and structure of a Database, records and fields, record navigation, editing and entering records, sorting records, filtering, queries, forms, reports. Creating a Database.

Spreadsheet: Worksheets and workbooks, rows and columns, cell references, adjusting rows and column sizes, auto-fill. Formatting data and moving data between cells. Creating and editing charts and graphs. Formulas, auto-sum, functions. Sorting data and filtering lists.

CAD: Brief introduction to CAD

Internet: The structure of the internet, navigating web pages, search engines, copying and downloading files. Sending and receiving E-Mail, attachments.

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)