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Energy and Buildings
ENMG 4111

This module introduces and discusses global energy issues, building energy consumption, sustainable building design and review building case studies. The aim of this module is to give the student a detailed knowledge and understanding of global and building related energy issues.

Energy and the global environment. World energy past present and future predictions. World fuel reserves, fossil fuel depletion, the effects of past and predicted future energy consumption. Greenhouse gas emissions and Climate change.

National primary energy supply in Ireland, past present and future. Local, national and global policies relevant to energy use and buildings.

Buildings and energy consumption. Typical past present and future patterns of energy usage in buildings. Energy targets. Energy management and building design. Building energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Energy supply to buildings. Examples of analysis of features to reduce building energy demand/consumption.

Energy performance and the building fabric. Interaction of fabric and building services issues. Building airtightness and energy consumption, comfort and durability. Building infiltration, design and construction.

Target airtightness levels. Driving forces behind infiltration, estimating infiltration rates based on wind pressure and stack effect. Airtightness testing.

Sustainable building design process. Passive and active design. The role of building services engineer in achieving successful sustainable and low energy building design. Passive solar design, façade design and daylighting. Orientation and natural ventilation. Sustainable approach to active/systems design. Integration of renewables and new technologies.

Energy performance targets and building case studies .Methods of estimating energy consumption targets for new and existing buildings using benchmark data. Detailed review of existing buildings planned and actual energy performance. Analysis of successful and failed ‘sustainable’ building designs.

Passive ventilation of buildings, natural ventilation design, stack ventilation, night cooling. Pressure differences due to wind and stack effect. Natural ventilation design principles and detailed design calculations.

ECTS credits

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Managing Entity (faculty)