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Digital Manufacturing and Robotics
ADVD 4111

This module is at advanced level. It integrates Industry 4.0 and digital manufacturing to bring products from the design process through to manufacture. Modelling strategies, for these components are developed and analysed. Once designed the methods of manufacture of these parts on industrial machining centres is examined. This involves a thorough examination of industrial CAM software for milling, and turning. The theory of metal cutting is explored, and students will calculate and derive equations to calculate the cutting forces involved in orthogonal machining, the power consumed and heat transfer during the cutting process. Cutting tool technology, the mechanisms of tool wear, tool life and tool materials are examined. Economic and product design considerations in advanced machining operations together with the importance of tolerance and Machinability are covered. Optimising cutting speeds for economic production is also explored. Non-traditional machining and thermal cutting processes are explored for machining newly developed metals and non metals. Methods of unmanned machining, such as automated tool handling systems, robotics, tool monitoring, workpiece recognition, probing, and offline programming are examined in detail. 3D off-line simulation software for factory layouts and the use of concurrent engineering and Product data management are investigated throughout in accordance with Industry 4.0 standards and protocols.

Advanced Solid Modelling strategies:
Apply 3d Solid modelling strategies to design components for machining. 

Advanced Machining using CAM: Machining strategies, CNC code for turning, Milling, Wire and Mould machining, Probing, Scanning.  

Theory of Metal Cutting: Theory of ship formation in metal cutting, the Orthogonal cutting model, Forces in metal cutting, Merchants hypothesis, Power and energy relationships in machining, Analytical methods to compute cutting temperatures, Measurement of cutting temperature. 

Special Machining Processes: Selection of non traditional machining principles – Electrical Discharge Machining, Laser Beam Machining,  Ultrasonic Machining, Ion Beam Machining, Water Jet Machining, Plasma Arc Machining, Abrasive Jet Machining,.

Programming Industrial Robots: Generate software algorithms to program industrial robots, Motion control, Signal processing .  

3D simulation and off-line programming of industrial robots. Optimise robotic cell layout using 3D simulation software in accordance with industry 4.0 

Workpiece / Tool Monitoring Systems in Unmanned machining:  Identification of workpiece/tools, Gauging, Tool-Offset measurement, Tool-Life monitoring, Feed Force sensors, Piezoelectric sensors, Acoustic Emission, Adaptive Control, Industrial Case studies utilising industry 4.0

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)