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Quality and Reliability 1
QURL 3111

This subject focuses the student on developing knowledge, know-how, skill and competence in fundamental approaches to Quality & Reliability Engineering.  It introduces students to Quality Systems and Reliability Engineering in an industrial context.  It equips students with the capability to select and apply a variety of approaches to Quality Systems development and control. It equips students with the capability to apply statistical techniques to Quality problem solving and to process characterisation and control.  It introduces students to the fundamentals of Reliability Engineering. It engages students with Quality by Design approaches.  It also introduces students to the application of a Six Sigma Structured problem solving approach.
1. Introduction and Fundamentals: ‘The customer is king’, Quality Control vs. Assurance, Basic stages of Quality Control, Elements of Quality Cost, Attributes/Variables & Data Types/Measurement Scales, Defect Classification methods, Calibration
2. Managing Vendor Quality:  Vendor Management, Operating Characteristic Theory, AQL, AOQL, Mil-Standard 105D/BS6000, Sampling Plans, Vendor Rating, The Audit Process, Corrective Actions, JIT Supply and STS programs
3. Quality Assurance Standards: Role of Standards, ISO9001:2015  Quality standard elements, Sector-specific standards (Medical Devices, Food, Pharmaceuticals Automotive,) ISO14001, Implementation Methodology, Compliance versus effectiveness.
4. Operations Quality Control:  Operators Entitlements, 5S for Operators, , Standard Work/Procedures , Poke-Yoka/ Failsafing,  Kaizen, Operations Quality Metrics (PPM, DPM, DPMO, Rolled-Thru-Yield),
5. Using Basic Quality Tools: Brainstorming, Check sheets, Flowcharting, Scatter Diagrams, Pareto Analysis, Ishakawa Diagrams, Root Cause Analysis.
6. Process Capability/Process Control: Process capability (Cp, Cpk, Pp, Ppk), Z scores, Special Causes and Common Causes of Variation, Process control charts for variables: X-R charts. Process control for attributes: p, np, c, u charts, Pre-control charts, Cusum Charts, Multi-vari charts.
7. Introduction to Six Sigma Structured Problem Solving: Definition, Origin, Contemporary application and value to orgs., Project selection process, Characteristics of successful implementations, Overview of DMAIC and DFSS roadmaps and belts, Elements of a project charter, SIPOC Diagrams, CTQ Trees, Kano Analysis, Data collection planning, presentation & distribution checking, 
8. Fundamentals Of Reliability Engineering: Bath-Tub Curve, Life Cycle Costs., MBTF/MTTR, Failures rates, Censored Data, Redundancy Types, Block Diagram Modelling and System Reliability Prediction, Reliability of Mechanical Components and Systems, Electronic Systems Reliability, Software Reliability, Reliability in Design, Elements of a typical reliability programs, Statistical Distributions used in Reliability
9. Quality By Design: Quality Functional Deployment & Failure Mode & Effects Analysis

ECTS credits

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Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)