EUt+ Mobility
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Description of the basic principles of modern cryptography, with reference to both symmetric and asymmetric methods, as well as to the main known cryptanalytic attacks. Description of the problems and solution approaches involved with cryptographic key management and distribution. Again, the problem will be analyzed considering both symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic schemes. Description of the problem of data integrity, authentication, and digital signatures, applied to data transmissions. Description of the emerging topic of physical-layer security of wireless communications.

Course program
1. Computer and Network Security Concepts a. The OSI Security Architecture b. Security Attacks and Services c. Security Mechanisms d. A model for Network Security 2. Introduction to Cryptography a. Historical roots of cryptography b. Unconditional and computational security c. Mono-alphabetic cyphers. 3. Symmetric cryptography a. Block and stream ciphers b. Feistel structure c. Data Encryption Standard d. Double DES and Triple DES e. Advanced Encryption Standard f. Modes of operation of block cyphers 4. Fundamentals of finite fields a. Galois fields b. Modular and polynomial arithmetic c. Fermat’s theorem and Euler’s Theorem d. Primitive roots and discrete logarithms 5. Asymmetric Cryptography a. General discussion on the asymmetric approach. b. RSA algorithm 6. Key management and distribution a. Symmetric approaches i. Key Distributions Centers ii. Needham-Schroeder Protocol b. Asymmetric approaches i. Certification of public keys ii. Diffie-Hellman key exchange 7. Authentication and Integrity a. Digital signatures b. Digital signature standard c. MAC and Hash functions d. Secure Hash Algorithm e. Hashed MAC Algorithm 8. Network Security and Cybersecurity a. Network Access Control and Cloud Security b. Transport-Level Security c. Wireless Network Security d. Electronic Mail Security e. IP Security

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Department of Electrical and Information Engineering (UNICAS)