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Unit 1: Theory and History of Architectural Restoration

1.1 Terminology and basic concepts.
1.2 General Intervention Criteria
1.3 The origins of the concept and the history of restoration.
1.4 Stern and Valadier: the "archaeological restoration"
1.5 Eugenie Viollet-le-Duc: the stylistic restoration.
1.6 John Ruskin: the anti-restoration movement.
1.7 Luca Beltrami: the "historical restoration".
1.8 Camilo Boito: the "modern restoration".
1.9 Gustavo Giovannoni: the "scientific restoration".
1.10 Brandi, Pane and Bonelli: the "critical restoration"

Unit 2: The Restoration in the current era.

2.1 False Historical and False Architectural.
2.2 Previous studies and interdisciplinary team

Unit 3: Legislation, Letters and International Agreements for the Conservation of Heritage.

3.1 Law 16/1985 of the Spanish Historical Heritage, R. D. 111/1986 and R.D. 64/1994
3.2 Law 4/2007, on Cultural Heritage of the Region of Murcia.
3.3 International Letters and Agreements (selection): Letter from Athens (1931). Letter from Venice (1964). European Charter of Architectural Heritage (1975). Letter from Krakow (2000).

Unit 4: Injuries in constructive elements. Intervention techniques

4.1 Technical report, opinion and expert opinion. Methodology and writing of the document.
4.2 Cracks. Interpretation.
4.3 Intervention techniques in the Architectural Heritage.

ECTS credits

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Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)