Unit 1: Theory and History of Architectural Restoration
1.1 Terminology and basic concepts.
1.2 General Intervention Criteria
1.3 The origins of the concept and the history of restoration.
1.4 Stern and Valadier: the "archaeological restoration"
1.5 Eugenie Viollet-le-Duc: the stylistic restoration.
1.6 John Ruskin: the anti-restoration movement.
1.7 Luca Beltrami: the "historical restoration".
1.8 Camilo Boito: the "modern restoration".
1.9 Gustavo Giovannoni: the "scientific restoration".
1.10 Brandi, Pane and Bonelli: the "critical restoration"
Unit 2: The Restoration in the current era.
2.1 False Historical and False Architectural.
2.2 Previous studies and interdisciplinary team
Unit 3: Legislation, Letters and International Agreements for the Conservation of Heritage.
3.1 Law 16/1985 of the Spanish Historical Heritage, R. D. 111/1986 and R.D. 64/1994
3.2 Law 4/2007, on Cultural Heritage of the Region of Murcia.
3.3 International Letters and Agreements (selection): Letter from Athens (1931). Letter from Venice (1964). European Charter of Architectural Heritage (1975). Letter from Krakow (2000).
Unit 4: Injuries in constructive elements. Intervention techniques
4.1 Technical report, opinion and expert opinion. Methodology and writing of the document.
4.2 Cracks. Interpretation.
4.3 Intervention techniques in the Architectural Heritage.