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Recovery and Valuating of Industrial Waste

1. The general problem regarding the treatment, recovery and valorization of waste
2. Basic operations in waste treatment: shredding, drying, compaction, mixing
3. Technologies and installations for the recovery and valorization of ferrous metal waste.
4. Technologies and installations for the recovery and valorization of non-ferrous metal waste
5. Technologies and installations for the treatment, recovery and valorization of waste from the mining industry
6. Technologies and installations for the treatment, recovery and valorization of waste from the metallurgical industry.
7. Technologies and installations for the recovery and utilization of rubber waste.
8. Technologies and installations for the recovery and utilization of wood waste.
9. Treatment, recovery and utilization technologies and installations

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Faculty of Materials and Environmental Engineering (UTCN)