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Tehnologies and Equipment for Soil Depollution

1. Groundwater.
2. Migration of pollutants in the underground environment
3. The general depollution scheme of soils and underground waters.
4. Depollution procedures applicable "in-situ"
5. Bioremediation in-situ
6. Washing in situ. Chemical oxidation in situ. Thermal desorption in-situ
7. Stabilization/solidification in-situ
8. Depollution procedures applicable "ex-situ"
9. Thermal procedures for depollution of ex-situ soils
10. Biological processes of soil and water depollution underground ex-situ
11. Treatment by means of the bioreactor.
12. Groundwater treatment procedures on the site
13. Gaseous effluent treatment procedures

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Faculty of Materials and Environmental Engineering (UTCN)