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Low Impact Environmental Technologies I

1. Introduction: history, definition, and characterization of low environmental impact technologies. 
2. European Legislation. European directive 2010/75/EU 
3. Industrial Emissions Directive 
4. European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register. Implementation of Best Available Techniques (BAT). 
5. The main stages of environmental impact assessment. Waste generation and disposal cycle. Material-energy balance. 
6. Greenhouse effect. The GWP indicator (Global Warming Potential) 
7. Toxicity and ecotoxicity 
8. Pollutant release register. Example of reports. 
9. Clean recovery processes. 
10. Marine pollution. Factors that influence marine pollutants behaviour. 
11. Clean technologies 

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Faculty of Materials and Environmental Engineering (UTCN)