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Building Materials.

1. Stone in construction, stone materials in construction.
2. Aggregates for mortar and concrete.
3. Mortars with inorganic binders: definition, classification, determination of the composition of mortars, characteristics of component materials.
4. Mortars with inorganic binders: preparation, transport, properties, types of mortar.
5. Concretes with inorganic binders: definition, classification, determination of the composition of concrete.
6. Concretes with inorganic binders: component materials, structure, technology of concrete.
7. Special types of concrete. Concrete products.
8. Ceramic materials: generalities, classification, raw material, fabrication technology, ceramic materials used in construction.
9. Non-destructive tests of materials: surface mechanical methods, acoustic tests, atomic, electric, and combined tests.
10. Glass materials: definition, fabrication technology, physical-mechanical characteristics, glass materials used in construction.
11. Metals: ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals.
12. Wood: wood construction materials.
13. Insulation materials, thermal insulation, sound, and hydrophobic insulation.
14. Polymer materials. Protection and finishing materials.

ECTS credits

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Exam Language

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Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Faculty of Civil Engineering (UTCN)