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Mechanics I

Introduction: Vectorial Algebra
Forces: properties; operations with forces;
Moments of forces: Moment of a force about a pole; Moment of a force about an axis.
Reduction of particular systems of forces: Reduction of the concurrent system of forces; reduction of a coplanar system of forces; Reduction of a parallel system of forces.
Reductions of a general system of forces: Resultant vector; Resultant moment.
Equivalence of two general systems of forces;
Equivalence of a particular system of forces;
Equilibrium of particular systems of forces;
Equilibrium of general systems of forces;
Centers of masses; First moments of area; centers of masses of discrete and continuous material systems
Equilibrium of material systems; Equilibrium of free and constrained particles;
Equilibrium of material systems; Equilibrium of free and constrained bodies;
Equilibrium of material systems; Equilibrium of systems of bodies;
Equilibrium of cables; catenary; Parabola

ECTS credits

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Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Faculty of Civil Engineering (UTCN)