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Web Programming Fundamentals

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: At the end of the course the students are expected to have learned to apply a structured approach to identifying the needs, interests and functionality of a website; design and create well-structured, easy-to-maintain, standards-compliant websites using the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript languages, libraries for creating dynamic pages; to distribute and promote the created websites to the general public on the Internet. The students will be able to directly apply the acquired knowledge and skills in business projects and their upcoming diploma project.
DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Main topics are: Structuring web pages with HTML: components and page structure, tags, forms, HTML5. Styling pages with CSS: syntax, selectors, element positioning, properties, CSS3, animations. Customer interactivity - JavaScript: scripting languages, data handling, operators and arithmetic operations. Functions. Arrays. Objects. JS libraries: jQuery - selectors, page events, effects, AJAX queries; Node.js. Design and distribution: design, development, testing, distribution, maintenance; SEO optimization; features when choosing hosting, domain, etc.

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)