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Costal Engineering

Introduction and understanding of the basic principles of coastal engineering (eg linear wave theory, wave hydraulics in coastal space) through detailed mathematical formulas and diagrams. Solving basic components of coastal engineering problems by understanding the wave propagation processes in coastal areas and the interaction of waves with coastal structures. Understanding wave mechanics. Port layout planning principles. Detailed wave prediction models. Hydrodynamic loads on vertical quays and breakwaters. Design and dimensioning of breakwaters by analytical equations. Basic principles of coastal morphodynamics (e.g. coastal erosion) and morphodynamic effects from technical works through equations and simple numerical models. Introduction to coastal protection structures. 


Monochromatic wave theory.

Propagation of waves in coastal space.

Coastal wave phenomena (e.g.Refraction-Refraction-Reflection).

Generation and propagation of wind generated waves.

Statistical analysis of stochastic waves and energy spectra.

Wave forecasting models.

Mathematical models of marine hydraulics circulation.

Design of breakwaters and vertical quays.

Port layout design and analysis methods.

Coastal morphodynamics and erosion of coasts.

Coastal Protection Structures. 

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics (CUT)