EUt+ Mobility
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Industrial Communications

Fundamentals of communication networks
Topic 1. Basic principles of communication networks
Topic 2. Topology of communication networks
The OSI model and TCP/IP. Local area networks: topologies, media and transmission modes. The
Physical layer: transmission media and capacity, noise. The data link layer: services provided, error
provided, error detection and correction, elementary protocols.
Fieldbuses and industrial communications
Topic 3. Introduction to industrial communications
Data networks and control networks. Hierarchical models in industrial networks - Connections
Wireless. Temporal characteristics. Real-time systems. Synchronisation mechanisms.
Topic 4. Fieldbuses and protocols
Industrial Ethernet, MODBUS, Profibus, Foundation Fieldbus, CAN and automotive buses,
HART, wireless networks, others. Intrinsic safety. 
Cybersecurity in industrial networks.

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)