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Strength of Materials - IE

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To introduce fundamental concepts in
mechanics of deformable bodies. To link the concepts of stress, strain, force and deflection to
the behaviour of real structures. To provide the knowledge and methodology for design and
analysis of simple solid structures. To introduce students to strain energy methods and
DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics cover: Axial Loading - normal stress,
strain, stress–strain diagram, Hooke’s law, stress check and design. Transformation of plane
stress - principal stresses, maximum shearing stress. Transformation of plane strain.
Generalized Hooke/s law. Pure bending - stresses, neutral axis, stress check and design of
beams. Eccentric axial loading in a plane of symmetry - stresses, neutral axis, stress check and
design. Unsymmetric bending - stresses, neutral axis, stress check and design. Yield criteria
for ductile materials under plane stress.Transverse shear – shearing stress, strain, Hooke’s
law, stress check and design. Torsion and bending of shafts - stress check and design. Torsion
of thin-walled closed and opened cross-section beams. Castigliano’s theorem – deflection,
slope , statically indeterminate structures.Stability of columns – Euler’s formula. Design and
check of columns under centric loading

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)