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Numerical Analysis for Research of Dynamics of Machines

This is the basic course on the use of numerical methods for the analysis and optimization of machine and mechanism dynamics. In the present field the researchers have to deal with complex problems of numerical mathematics, which demand the proficiency level above the average and is not limited to knowledge of the basic math course.
The main topics of the study subject are:
Ideology of engineering calculation. Preciseness/Exactress, stability, complexity, automation. Analysis of linear systems of freguency and time diapason. Methods of analysis of nonlinear systems. Stability of numerical methods. Hard and badly defined systems. Covered methods. Meshanisms with geometrical sites: differential - algebrical systems. Analysis of machine regulation systems. Simplifying the dynamical models. Programms: MathCad, WorkingModel, MSC ADAMS.

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

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Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)