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Automatic control

Provide the methodological basis to analyze the input-output behavior of linear time-invariant dynamical systems in continuous time and to analyze and design in the same setting analog feedback control systems. System's notion. Input, state, output. Mathematical models. Equilibrium and stability of equilibrium. Linear systems and linearization. Analysis in the time domain. Free and forced response. Modal evolution. Canonical responses. Laplace transform. Transfer function. Stability criterion.Block schemes. Polynomial and sinusoidal response. Frequency response. The Control problem. Feedforward and feedback control. Polynomial steady-state error: system type and astatism. Stability of feedback systems and Nyquist criterion. Stability margins. Specifications and global properties of the frequency response. Open-loop vs. closed-loop frequency response: Nichols chart. Compensation of the frequency response. PID regulator.

ECTS credits

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Basic Learning Outcomes
B1.1 - MEB/B1.2 - MEB/B1.6 - MEB

Managing Entity (faculty)