EUt+ Mobility
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The course aims at providing theoretical and practical elements for understanding the behavior of the main hydraulic structures and for their design, referring in particular to water intake structures, water supply and drainage systems. Analysis of design and optimal management of water systems will be provided, informing the students of the tenets of the optimal design of hydraulic systems along with the application of optimal rehabilitation strategies for extant infrastructure. The course comprises theory and practical exercises, supported by the application of relevant computer software tools. 

Course program 

SYLLABUS available water resources; water rivers regulation; probabilistic curves relating to the water volume of artificial basins, hydroelectric power plants and river works, water demand estimation; analysis of flow in water distribution networks; leak detection in water distribution systems; water distribution systems management/design optimization methods; hydraulics and design of urban drainage systems, rehabilitation methods for hydraulic structures. 

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)