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Industrial Maintenance Engineering

At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1.- Become aware of the importance of carrying out effective and efficient maintenance in industry.
2.- Recall the terminology, basic concepts and hypotheses considered in the theory of maintenance, and apply criteria for a correct management of the resources assigned for this purpose in an industrial installation.
3.- To remember the indexes and methodologies presented in the course and to be able to apply them for a continuous improvement of industrial maintenance.
4.- Understand each of the verification techniques developed in the syllabus, know how to apply them and be able to analyse and evaluate the results obtained from them in order to be able to make the appropriate decisions in each case.
5.- To design simple maintenance plans for a simple industrial installation.
6.- Recall the main defects that may occur in the machines of an installation, assess their degree of importance and recognise what type of repair should be applied in each case.
7.- To apply theoretical knowledge to practical cases that may arise in an industrial environment.
8.- Draft reports with quality and creativity on specific industrial maintenance tasks, seeking solutions as a team based on the search for information from different sources and in different languages.
9.- Use the instrumentation equipment specific to each verification technique and which are within their reach during the course of the subject.
10.- Handle standards and regulations to verify the conditions in which an industrial installation is found.

Didactic unit I. Foundations
Chapter 1. Introduction to the industrial maintenance
Chapter 2. Types of maintenance

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Department of Mechanical Engineering (UPCT)