EUt+ Mobility
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Computer Networks

The modern world is unimaginable without computer networks. The study course provides basic knowledge about computer networks architecture and design. The study course consists of both theoretical material on computer networks topologies, protocols and standards, and also practical tasks related to installation, configuration and testing of computer networks – the skills demanded from modern telecommunications engineers. The study course describes the complete OSI model of computer networks and each layer, thus providing a full understanding of the design and operation of computer networks.

Course contents:
  • Network design requirements. Protocol hierarchies.
  • Network physical structure.
  • Cables, switches and typical network structures.
  • IP networking, addressing and subnetworking.
  • FDDI interface, Fast Ethernet and Gigabit networks.
  • Routing and congestion control.

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Faculty of Computer Science, Information Technology and Energy (RTU)