EUt+ Mobility
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Original exercise to be carried out individually and presented and defended before a university examining board, consisting of a project in the field of specific Industrial Engineering technologies of a professional nature in which the skills acquired in the course are synthesised and integrated.
Individual work to be presented before an examining board, consisting of a project in the field of industrial engineering, of a professional nature in which the skills acquired in the course are synthesised and integrated.
This is the last subject to be compulsorily assessed in order to obtain the degree, and it cannot be publicly defended or assessed if the credits corresponding to the rest of the subjects of the degree have not been passed.
[T1]. Communicate effectively orally and in writing.
[T3]. Learn independently.
[T4]. Use information resources competently.
[T5]. Apply acquired knowledge in practice.
[T6]. Apply ethical and sustainability criteria in decision-making.
[T7]. Design and undertake innovative projects

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Department of Mechanical Engineering (UPCT)