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Computer Assisted Graphics - UTCN

 | Introduction. History. Examples
 | Graphics systems – architecture, standards
 | Graphics devices – logic and physics devices, input, output and interactive devices
 | Graphics transformations pipeline – 2D and 3D transformations. Matrix operators
 | Mathematics in computer graphics
 | Lines scan conversion algorithms
 | Circles scan conversion algorithms
 | Polygons scan conversion algorithms
 | Clipping algorithms – point, line, polygon and text
 | Projections and viewing transformations
 | Photorealistic presentation of 3D objects – concepts, algorithms, examples
 | Color models – color perception, color space and standards, color in software design
 | Graphics formats – vector and raster formats, data compression , Web technologies
 | Graphics pattern grammars

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

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Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Automation and Computer Science Faculty - UTCN