EUt+ Mobility
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Sports I - UTCN

 | 1.Presentation of the objectives of the subject, obligations, students, grading methods.
 | 2.Adapting the body to effort . Development of reaction speed to visual auditory stimuli. Educating dynamic strength in the upper limbs, lower limbs, abdominals and torso through circuit work and workshop work.
 | 3.Consolidation of technical elements and procedures in sports games . Notes on regulations for organising recreational activities and practice. Bilateral game .
 | 4.Application of athletic exercise through aerobic and mixed resistance training using the uniform and variable effort method to increase cardiorespiratory function.
 | 5.Training motor skills characteristic of sports games. Bilateral game . 
 | 6.Development of the elements of coordinative ability rhythm, precision, static and dynamic balance, spatio- temporal orientation, combination of movements | 
 | 7.Preparation of samples and control standards. 

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Automation and Computer Science Faculty - UTCN