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Data Structures and Algorithms - UTCN

 | About the course (objectives, outline, recommended reading). Problem solving. Notions of Algorithmics (growth of functions, efficiency, programming model). Dynamic singly-linked lists
 | Operations on dynamic lists. Doubly-linked and circular lists
 | Trees – definitions, traversals. ADT Tree. Implementations. Binary Search Trees.
 | Sets ADTs and Implementations. Dictionary ADT. Hash Tables. Mapping ADT. Priority Queue ADT.
 | Advanced Set Representation Methods. AVL trees. 2-3 Trees. B+ trees. Union-Find Set ADT.
 | Graphs. Definitions. Representations. ADT’s. Traversals for graphs and applications 
 I Graphs. Topological sort, strongly connected components, articulation points . Applications.
 | Algorithm Design Techniques I. Backtracking. Search Tree Strategies (branch and bound)
 | Algorithm Design Techniques II. Brute Force Algorithms. Greedy Algorithms.
 | Algorithm Design Techniques III. Divide-and-Conquer.
 | Algorithm Design Techniques IV. Dynamic Programming.
 | Algorithm Design Techniques IV. Search Tree Strategies (branch and bound). Local Search.
 | Sorting Algorithms
 | Review

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Automation and Computer Science Faculty - UTCN