| Electric and magnetic quantities. Static electric and magnetic fields (the electric field in free space and in material, electric current, the magnetic field in free space and in material)
| Laws and theorems of electromagnetic field
| Electrical capacitance, energy and forces
| Magnetic circuits. Self-inductance and mutual inductance. Magnetic energy and forces.
| Basic concepts, units and laws of circuit theory (characteristic values, power in sinusoidal regime, representation of sinusoidal functions by vectors and complex numbers)
| The characterisation of the linear circuits in complex plane, the complex form of some theorems
| Equivalent impedances (series and parallel connection, without mutual inductance, with mutual inductance, real condenser, real inductance, air core transformer)
| Resonance (in series, parallel, real, inductively coupled circuits, power factor improvement)
| Two-port networks (equations, equivalent circuits, open-circuit and short-circuit tests, characteristic impedance, propagation constant, filters)
| Network theorems (the superposition theorem, Thevenin-Norton theorem, mesh or loop analysis, node analysis, matrix methods)
| Transient regime of linear circuits (continuity conditions, transient behaviour of the R-L, R-C and R,L,C)
| Transient regime of linear circuits (the Laplace transform, Duhamel integral, state variable method)
| Study-state periodic non-sinusoidal regime (Fourier expansion, power, network analysis)
| Transmission lines (the primary line parameters, the equations of the transmission line, voltage and current waves on long lines, distortionless lines)