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Mathematical Analysis II (Integral and Differential Calculus) - UTCN

 | Introduction to Ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Mathematical models based on ODEs.
 | ODEs of order one in the explicit form: separable ODEs, homogeneous ODEs, linear ODEs, Bernoulli’s ODEs, Riccati’s ODEs.
 | ODEs of order one in the implicit form: Clairaut’s ODEs, Lagrange’s ODEs.
 | Linear ODEs of higher order with constant coefficients: homogeneous, non-homogeneous; the method of variation of constants.
 | Positive and linear functionals. The Riemann-Stieltjes integral. Primitives.
 | Improper integrals.
 | Integrals depending on parameters.
 | Special functions.
 | Paths. The line integral with respect to the length. The line integral with respect to the coordinates.  Differential forms. Exact differential forms. Path-independence of line integrals. Geometric and physical applications of line integrals.
 | The double integral. The Green-Riemann Formula.
 | The surface integral with respect to the area. The surface integral with respect to the coordinates. The Stokes Theorem. Geometric and physical applications of surface integrals.
 | The triple integral. The Gauss-Ostrogradsky Theorem.

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Managing Entity (faculty)
Automation and Computer Science Faculty - UTCN