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German I - UTCN

 | The relevance of German in the technical field. Variants of the German language
 | The language of mathematics: mathematical formulas, geometric shapes. Expressing  distances and measurement units
 | Main differences between general and specialized language (morphology, syntax, speech).
 | Lexical derivation, conversion and the production of compound words in the German language
 | Lexical  interferences in the technical language. Neologisms and anglicisms.
 | Lexical loans from the German technical vocabulary
 | Syntactic structures in the technical language. Coordination and subordination
 | Syntactic relationships focused on the process. Impersonal expressions.
 | Expressing the relationships of causality, adversity, temporal and modal relations
 | Describing events, their calendar; order and duration
 | Extracting information from specialized texts. Identification of topics, main /secondary ideeas
| Predicting development of events, highlighting main trends and secondary tracks or less important details. 
| End-term exam -oral
| End-term test -written

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Automation and Computer Science Faculty - UTCN