EUt+ Mobility
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Embedded Systems

Learning objectives: 
Students acquire the skills to
  • understand the interaction of hardware and software concepts of a computer with its environment
  • understand the structure of simple embedded systems and are able to develop such systems
  • acquire a profound understanding of information and data processing in real-time systems

Course content: 
  • In-depth system-oriented programming with high-level languages (C/C++) and machine-oriented languages (e.g. ARM instruction set)
  • Introduction to development environments for embedded systems
  • Practical teaching of processors and peripherals in the form of modern microcontrollers with communication interfaces, timer and counter modules, analog/digital converters and power management
  • Fundamentals of hardware abstraction
  • Real-time capabilities in real system environments

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes

Managing Entity (faculty)
Computer Science Department (HDA)