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Automatic control

 This course introduces the fundamental concepts of classic control theory. The course covers the following topics: basic characteristics of control systems, mathematical modeling of control systems and their components, the Laplace transform, transfer functions, block diagrams; transient response analysis and frequency response techniques including Bode and polar plots, stability analysis (poles and zeros, the Ruth-Hurwitz criterion, the root locus, the Nyquist criterion, phase and gain margin), feedback design using P-I-D control actions, phase-lead, phase-lag and phase lead-lag compensation. To complement the theory, students will be introduced to Matlab software for analysis and synthesis of feedback systems. Matlab/Simulink will also be used for implementation of basic concepts of control in weekly laboratory sessions. 

ECTS credits

Teaching Language

Exam Language

Support Materials Language

Basic Learning Outcomes
B9.3 - MEB

Managing Entity (faculty)
Faculty of Engineering and Technology (CUT)Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering (CUT)